Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Safari @ Aquila Game Reserve

Today and yesterday we went on an overnight safari at Aquila Game Reserve. We went on a game drive at night and them early in the morning. Aquila was SO nice! We stayed in these huts with wood burning fire places and an outdoor shower.. they were actually veryyy nice. This morning we went out and got chased by a tiger. We were in an open jeep, and as we tried to drive away the tiger came running and then tried to get in front of the car. See my pictures and my youtube.

I’ve decided I was to take home a giraffe :o)

In the process of being chased
The group

Giraffe :o)

1 comment:

Pollye said...

Just triped across this and thought it was very interesting. Great pictures. That must be a trip of a life time for you. I am from Oklahoma and I have to tell you I thought it is beautiful over there.